Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day...with an option to go to work

We got about four inches of snow today. They cancelled school last night waaay before 11:00...well cancelled school with an "optional" teacher workday. Optional is such a loose term....teachers can risk life and limb to get to work, take a sick or personal day if they have one or take a day without pay.....kind of doesn't seem optional does it?? Sophie's daycare was closed so I "opted" to stay home.

This is Hannah and her friend enjoying the snow day. I guess this is how you play guitar hero when you have played standing right side up too long....


Sandra said...

LOL at the guitar hero picture!

The Gang's Momma! said...
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4D said...

Sharing in the snow love! It is not fun. Hope it melts soon.

Keep smilin!

Robin said...

so hard to believe you all got all that snow. BUMMER!

To funny playing guitar hero upside down. they must really be good at it!

Julia said...

I'm laughing at the guitar hero pictures. I guess I can not expect my kids to grow out of this kind of thing anytime soon then, eh? Glad you had a stay at home day, even if it was "optional".

Pug Mama said...

so did the girls do any good at GH upside sown?
ok, so I read your blog post last night on my phone while at the ball field, and here I come to comment about it this morning, and it is gone.
So what's the scoop?
Is someone telling you what you should and should not write ON YOUR BLOG??!!!

Kay Bratt said...

Yeah..the guilt that comes with that word 'optional'... huh? But just think, you probably made some memories and your kids will talk about the day they were out for snow and played Guitar Hero. Good job!!

Kayce said...

I'm gonna have to have to try the GH that way. Looks like it was a great day to opt out, I wish we had days like that.

Liene said...

We got snow in the Atlanta area but it was there and then gone in the blink of an eye on our side of town. I would've been happy with 4 inches.

Guitar Hero upside down looks like a lot of fun. Might have to try it some time.

Hope you enjoyed your snow day.

Susan said...

The "optional" teacher work day has always cracked me up.
Clever way to not get sued.
Clever way to make the public think (non-education employed public) that we teachers have all these "options"
Love it.
I, btw, always "opt" out b/c I figure I do not make enough in one day to pay for an car...