Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Little of This and Little of That

I continue to have nothing to blog about. FB has stolen my blogging mojo. I promise to take some pics this week and post. Gaaaw I suck. I got an Ip*one for mothers day. I freakin' love it. I set up my phone so I could blog from my cool phone....but I have yet to figure out how to post something. Lets see.....I hurt my hand at work. I had to restrain a student after she kicked out a window in my classroom. Yep, the governor cuts my pay for two months, and my students have flipped their shit. Not good. The last month of school sucks. I have been testing students for two weeks. We are not even finished yet. Next week is remediation and then we test the students again. Most of my students will not pass the EOG test....cuz they are below grade level...that is why they are in special ed. I used to get all worked up about it, but it is what it is. I am excited to say that most of my students have demonstrated GREAT growth in reading this year. I assessed them in the beginning of the year and assessed them again in April. I was impressed with the growth most of them made. My inclusion students made the least amount of for thought.

The family is doing well. It is still spring here in NC. I am ready for summer. Bring on the heat! I can't wait to go to the pool and hang out there all day with my kiddos.

Thats it. I told you I got nothin'


Susan said...


for some reason, when i need to read blogs, even your "nothin" is good. :)

HuluMama said...

Yeah I'm lovin' the paycut too! Of course we get that ten hours "off" WTF?? Waiting to hear if the House gets its way with next year's cut. :-(

We just finished round 2 of testing, the rest is next month for the remaining tracks. The joys of year round.

Congrats on the student growth!!!

Hope your hand is healing. I sprained my ankle and wrist in January while restraining a student. Love morning duty!