Tuesday, February 2, 2010

She is taking questions

Here is your chance to ask an adult adoptee a question without being scared:) Yoon Seon is a Korean adoptee and has offered to answer questions....about her, her thoughts on adoption, her thoughts on being a transracial adoptee etc. I would hate for you to miss the opportunity. Now go. Shoooo. You know you have a question or two to ask.


윤선 said...

LOL, thanks for linking me! I appreciate it. I wouldn't mind a few more questions to answer. ;-)

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I'm kind of scared to ask, to tell you the truth. I'm worried that I might offend by a VERY stupid question. And yet, to be able to ask an adult adoptee....what an opportunity! To be able to hear what my children might think like later in life! TO be able to truly understand what they will go through.... Let me think to formulate what I can only hope is an intelligent question....