Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stupid is as Stupid Does....

Apparently just because you date an older guy it doesn't make you smarter or more mature. And being older than your girlfriend doesn't mean that you may actually model more mature behavior. Miley makes a lame attempt at an apology ( I guess she needed me to show her how to apologize )
Me: "Miley please say you are sorry."
Miley: "Sorry"
Me: " Miley now tell everyone WHY you are sorry..."
Miley: "I am sorry for being stupid, insensitive and immature and for engaging in a behavior that is offensive and degrading."


Lindsay said...

What an appalling photograph.

How amazingly ignorant and stupid they must be to act in such a manner. Beggars belief.

Robin said...

And to think little girls look up to her! :0(

Carol said...

that makes me sick. You'd expect that behavior from a 3 yr old.......

Julia said...

I like your version of her apology much better than her first try. I so want to believe she's still the good girl she says she is, but...